How to Join in…

April 8, 2009

So you want to be one of the 25 people who wants to take part in this crazy scheme?  Yay. We thought a wee bit over a nice dinner at Saltyard about how to do this, and came up with a Ning group, you can join it here. Please, join the event there, but ask any questions you might have here, ta.

And to start us off, here’s a question from my subconscious…

Q: What if you have more than 25 bloggers wanting to take part?
A: That’s a good question, I think it can go one of two ways… if we get dead on 50, we give each country out twice, or we team up. It’ll be a good way to meet new people, or you could team up with a friend. Obviously your safety is paramount so if you’re a young lady and don’t fancy wandering around London asking for azjerbijani speakeasies and want to team up anyway that’s fine too.

In my experience too much control over a project spoils the fun, so all the rules guidelines here are just that. The only real rule is to join in, really try and explore London’s food scene and enjoy it.